The Impact for Growth strand is for charities and social enterprises that are seeking to raise investments or contracts.
It includes training, grant funding and support to help organisations develop the impact management systems required to meet the needs of investors or commissioners.
Meet our grantees
40 organisations were chosen to receive £1.8m of funding in total for a 1 year impact management project. Our grantees work with approved providers to focus on whatever area of impact management they need the most help with. Visit our blog to find out more about our grantees and grant funding approach..
Learn how to use impact data to drive decision-making and improve outcomes.
Understand the building blocks for effective impact management.
Identify providers who could best support your work.
Improve future funding bids.
Free training videos
Anyone can access our free impact management training videos. These were recorded when our grantees received training from Impetus-PEF in 2017. The training covers the essential building blocks of impact management: target audience, outcomes, programme design and performance management.
What was the grant process?
Eligible organisations attended a compulsory one day impact management training session delivered by Impetus-PEF. Trained organisations could then apply for a grant - working with an approved provider to develop a 1-year project that will improve their impact management. We distributed £1.8m of funding in total to 40 organisations, with an average grant size of £45k. Grantees were chosen by our Investment & Commissioning Panel.